Movies in particular have inspired so many travelers as they appear as an additional character in nearly every film. And it’s why we overhear so many tourists excitedly tracking down a location in Los Angeles and New York City. Certainly cinema is a global industry, but here we focus on a few popular films that have people running to buy a ticket for a new adventure (+ Check out CN Traveler’s list of 45 best travel movies)
Out of Africa: Who wasn’t inspired to safari in the other-worldy African landscape after seeing this movie? Based on the autobiographical novel by Baroness Karen Christenze von Blixen-Finecke (Isak Dinesen), and primarily shot in Kenya, including the Shaba National Game Reserve.
English Patient: The romantic tragedy of it all! Based on Michael Ondaatje’s award-winning novel, the movie covers locations in northern Africa (Egypt & Tunisia)
Notting Hill: Given this is a Richard Wright film, it was inevitable that one of them would be on this list! What is more english than Hugh Grant and London’ charming Notting Hill district?
The Darjeeling Limited OR Grand Budapest Hotel: Both films beautifully shot by Wes Anderson. India continues to call us this year, so The Darjeeling Limited takes three spoiled American brothers on an overland train trip through India. While the Grand Budapest Hotel, although not a real place, is sure to inspire a unique luxury hotel stay in some far flung place.
Stealing Beauty OR Under The Tuscan Sun: This is what Tuscany dream are made of. Booking your ticket in 3,2,1…
Midnight In Paris: Ah, Paris. With flashbacks to the city’s literary heyday in 1920’s paris – with appearances from Hemingway, Fitzgerald, Josephine Baker and more – what else could you possibly need?
In The Mood For Love: A classic, stylish 1962 film that has come to inspire generations of filmmakers. Set in Hong Kong’s on its exiled Shanghai community, though much of the film was shot in Bangkok
Lost In Translation: Bob & Charlotte form an unlikely friendship in Tokyo, in which the spirit of the exciting City is captured to perfection.
Eat Pray Love: We HAD too. Italy + India+ Indonesia? Yes please.
*Honorable Mention: Every Indiana Jones movie ever. Since it inspired us all to become international, whip slinging adventurers! He covered everywhere from Europe, Africa, Asia and more.
Carrie x